The Effects of Condoms

The thing about this is its below the surface.
Meaning this is supposed to be something that helps us. Maybe Make things safer, and the exact opposite is the case.
Here Goes..
These artificially made monsters are dangerous to your health so be careful. Not just men, but women too.
The Monsters are —- CONDOMS!!!
•Synthetic products with many dangerous chemicals
•Latex Condoms cause same allergies as latex gloves, nipples, pacifiers, cervical caps, and diaphragms
•No side effects are listed on the labels
•The allergic affects increase with each use
1 ingredient is Talc Powder.
It’s used as a lubricant and is dangerous.
It contains magnesium silicate, boric acid, zinc oxide, coloring agents and other chemicals.
The American Medical Association reveals that Talc is Toxic
This Talc has caused poisoning when swallowed and when applied to open skin.
Talc is chemically similar to asbestos and has the same poisonous effect and can cause a number of problems.
Problems Include:
•Cancer of The Uterus & Prostate
•Hardening of Fallopian Tubes
•Cancer of the ovaries
•Pneumonia (when inhaled)
•lung irritation (when inhaled)
•Vomiting (when inhaled)
•Coughing (when inhaled)
Let’s Continue to The Spermicide
The recognizable spermicide P-Nonylphenol. Well it’s called a spermicide..
Phenol is actually the chemical base of nonylphenol and is derived from Cancer causing Coal Tar.
•It cause skin to die and is a poison
•Causes Low Sperm Count
•Breast Cancer
•Birth Defects
•Prostate Problems
•Reproductive abnormalities ( Fibroids, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Chlamydia, etc..)
I could continue on about these deadly little devils, and will in a later email.
Think its safe to say you should Not use these at all. If so, go to a Good Health Food Store and buy them there.
I remember Brother Malcolm saying…
‘You’ve been tricked, bamboozled, hoodwinked, led astray, run amuck…’ hmmm
Just saying as a whole…
More on this next time.
Stay tuned and Thx for Reading!
P.S. The information is Documented in The Following Books…
1.Nutricide: The Nutritional Destruction of The Black Race
2.African Holistic Health
•Sign up Tou Our List & See Past Emails Here
Bro Kweku

Etymology of Black and Moor

Moor Westmoreland England Family Crest

Etymology of Black and Moor

The word ‘Black’ can be traced back to its proto Indo-European origins through the word ‘blac’ which meant pale, wan, colourless, or albino.

‘Blac’ was incorporated into Old French as Blanc, Italian and Spanish as Blanco, Bianca, Bianco, Bianchi.

In Old English “blac” person meant fair; someone devoid of colour, similar to the word “blanc” which still means white or fair person.

In Middle English the word was spelt as “blaec” same thing as the modern word “black”, only at that time, around 1051 AD, it still meant a fair skin, or so-called white person. The words “blacca” an Old/Middle English word still resonates with “blanke” the Dutch-Germanic term for white people of today.

Black in Old and Middle English

Thus, we can see that the Old English ‘blæc’ was relative to its ‘blac’ origin as it was predominantly used as an adjective to describe ‘colour pertaining to matter that was colourless’. Other cognates of ‘blac’ include examples like: Bleak, Blake, Bleach, Blanch.

Good examples of the use of “blac” as something that meant blond or fair can be seen in Old English literature such as K. Ælfred’s ‘Bæda’ from c.890 where the following phrase can be found: “hæfde blæc feax” meaning “have blond hair”.

Black’s Semantic Shifts

It was not till the sixteenth century that the semantic broadening of black occured- both figurative connotations as well as literal.

From ‘blac, blake, bleaken, blaccen’ and their literal meaning ‘to bleach out or make white, blond or pale’ came the figurative meaning ‘to stain someones reputation, or defame’ or darken. Literally “blac” by that time came to mean night-like colour, dark. One can say a very dramatic shift indeed. It was also the era, when the Vandals and the Goths were busy writing themselves into history and writing out the European Mauros (melan-chros or melanin people) out of history.

These additional meanings however was purely negative and as their influence broadened, the semantic shift of black began to mean having malignant or deadly purposes and even pertaining to or involving death- ‘black curse’(1583), and from previous centuries ‘The Black Death’.

Blac underwent a final shift as a K was added to the end of the word and it became a new insulting manner to address the Moors (today’s so-called Blacks) a people that had lived for thousands of years in Europe and around, but were now hated and hounded. They were called the Queen’s Black enemies, the blacca moors and finally just the adjective used as a noun, blacks.

It should be noted for the records that word used to describe the colour black in historical and classical Europe was the word Moor (also Melas). First used in Europe by the Greeks, as Mauros. Its cognates are found in every European language even if variant spellings are used. Thus you have Mohr (German), Maure, Mire, (French), Moor (English), Moros (Italian/Spanish), Mor (Old and Middle English). All those variants meant the same thing, the colour today known as black.

The Europeans took away our names, called us niggers, coloureds, blacks, negros, Africans, subsaharans, etc. All those are insulting names. We are none of those. Not Jamaicans, not Nigerians, nor Americans.

We are Moors, from the most ancient time. Umoros, Umorus, Muurs, Mawus, the children of light, the bearers of civilization and compassion, the golden ones, the first people, Ethiopians, Mauritanians and Mauritians.

Check ancient history, you will hear of the Moors, but you will not hear about negros. The pale ones (the blanks) stole our names, and pretended it referenced only some Arab Muslim conquest of Spain.

Nooooo! The Greeks knew the Muurs, the Romans knew the Muuros, the ancient Indians and the Chinese too. Because ancient Egyptians called their land Ta-Meri, or Ta-Muri, the land of the Muurs. They were the sea-men who navigated the globe and brought the light to all.

We are those Muurs. We are their descendants. We are not the blacks. The blancho people, the so-called white people of today, they are the blaccas.

Oguejiofo Annu


The Origin of the Word ‘Black’: How Black Entered the English Language |

Negro Law of South Carolina 1848: SECTION 4 The term Negro is confined to slave Africans (The ancient Berbers) and their descendants. It does not embrace the free inhabitants of Africa, such as the Egyptians, Moors, or the Negro Asiatics, such as Lascars. Negro law

The Universe is Comprised of Information

August 29, 2013 | By WakingTimes | 20 Replies

Zach C. Miller, Natural News
Waking Times

As quantum physics can now confirm, the universe we live in is not made up of solid objects but of energy and information. This discovery holds vast implications for understanding the nature of our world and in understanding the true source of vibrant health. It also means that it is possible to encapsulate all the concepts discussed in the world of holistic natural health into a single unified theory.

Universal law: The true source of health or disease

Since we reside in the universe, it is dictated that we are subject to universal and natural laws. That being said, in an information universe made up of energy, health or disease can only come from one place. That place is from information. The concept goes like this: When the cells in our bodies are aligned with pure, healthy sources of information, we are healthy. Likewise when we are exposed to distorted information fields, we can experience ill-health if we don’t remove the source of the distorted information.

Sources of healthy information fields and distorted information fields

So what are some examples of pure information fields and distorted information fields, you ask? Well, some examples of pure information is eating pure, natural, uncooked organic food and pure filtered water. Putting that type of fuel into our bodies injects pure energy spin and leads to vibrant health. Some examples of distorted information are junk food and the electro-magnetic fields generated by wireless networks and cell phone towers. Junk food laced with GMOs has a negative information energy spin which will eventually cause ill-health if we continue to consume it, while EMF radiation is a source of negative and distorted information which disrupts the body’s energy field and which over time will rob us of vibrant health if the source of the distorted energy is not removed. Pathogens are another source of distorted, disharmonious information. If harmful bacteria or a virus becomes lodged in our system, it creates distortion in the normal operations of our bodies and will cause ill-health.

Encapsulating all health-related information into a single concept

As you can probably tell by now, this information has fundamental implications in the arena of natural health. What it means is that essentially, all information, articles and suggestions we read about natural health are directing us to fill our lives and bodies with clean, health sources of information while avoiding and reducing sources of distorted information. This is the unified key to the source of all health and healing as well as the source of all ill-health and disease. If we use our logic and intuition, it becomes relatively easy to deduce whether a food, energy field or environment is filled with pure spin energy or distorted energy. Then we can consciously make the choice whether or not to interact with said information source. This enables us to powerfully take control of our health destinies and, by extension, our lives; something that all health-conscious individuals are directly or indirectly seeking.

Why Is The Food Industry Poisoning Us With Trillions of Nanoparticles?

September 25, 2013 | By WakingTimes

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo
Waking Times

The U.S. food industry is notorious for poisoning the very consumers who drive their multi-billion dollar enterprise, even spending millions against their right to informed consent (truthful GMO labeling). So, is it any wonder that this deregulated and increasingly deranged juggernaut is experimenting on its own customer base by exposing them to trillions of toxic nanoparticles?

A new study published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy titled, “Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in human gastric epithelial cells in vitro,” reveals for the first time that the nanoparticle form of the common “whitening” agent known as titanium dioxide is capable of inducing “tumor-like” changes in exposed human cells.[1]

Whereas previous cell research has established that titanium dioxide (TiO2) is cytotoxic (cell damaging),[2] this is the first study of its kind to find exposed cells undergo a ‘phenotypal’ transition from normal to cancerous cell traits, including an increased rate of cell proliferation and a decrease in programmed cell death – hallmark features of precancerous and/or cancerous cells associated with ‘immortalization.’

Owing to the fact that the researchers tested human gastric epithelial cells, a type of stomach cell in direct contact with material we eat, and considering the broad range of drug, personal care and food products nanoparticle TiO2 is commonly used within, the toxicological implications of these findings are deeply concerning.

We Are Already Eating Titanium Dioxide

TiO2 is a naturally occurring oxide of titanium, and has a wide range of industrial applications as a “whitening” pigment in plastics, ceramic glazes and paints. It is used in sunscreens as a UV absorbing “sun protection factor,” due to its high refractive index.  Most of our risk of exposure comes from its use in toothpaste, drugs and excipient-heavy supplements as a pill coating, and food products, including even milk (to ‘improve’ appearance and texture).

Indeed, given that TiO2 is found in thousands of consumer products, the odds are that you are already being exposed to a significant quantity of them on a daily basis.  As reported by, “You ingest around 100 trillion nanoparticles every day, researchers at Binghamton University and Cornell University say.”

So, what are some common brands who use it? Nanotitanium is found in products produced by Jello, Nestlé, M&M’s, Mother’s, Mentos, Albertson’s, Hostess and Kool Aid.

Below is a table from the 2012 E Magazine article “Eating Nano” revealing its presence in common U.S. packaged goods.


Is Titanium Dioxide Regulated?

Much like present day radiobiological risk assessments for technologies like mammography were developed long before the discovery of DNA, making it impossible to comprehend their DNA-damaging properties at that time, present day biosafety regulations of TiO2 were determined long before the advent of nanotechnology.  In both cases, the true harms of these technologies were — and still are — greatly underestimated.

As a result of this information gap, TiO2 is currently classified as ‘generally recognized as safe’ (GRAS) by the FDA, regardless of format. Remarkably, the FDA still allows titanium dioxide in sunscreens ”at concentrations of up to 25 percent alone and 2 to 25 percent in combination with any proposed Category I sunscreen active ingredient” without considering the toxicity differential of particle size.[3]Considering that concentrations as low as 0.001% by weight have been found to exhibit clear cytotoxicity within exposed cells,[4] the biosafety regulations governing TiO2  are as great as 5 orders of magnitude or higher less stringent than they should be to protect the consumer.

Nanoparticles are so small they are below the threshold of visibility. This is one reason why they are used for sun protection factor, as 100 nanometers or smaller particles will not leave the white pasty appearance on the skin associated with larger particles.  What you can’t see, however, is still there – and in the case of nanotitanium, may slip through the surface layers of our skin into more sensitive tissues, as well as our blood stream. This is also why, if you use sunscreen, you should make sure the ingredients say “non-nanoparticle” when describing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. And this rule applies to purportedly ‘natural’ brands as well.

Technically, a nanoparticle, also known as a ‘ultrafine particle,’ is a particle that is sized within the nanometer scale: literally, anywhere between 1-100 billionth (nano) of a meter in diameter.  Going up in scale, larger particles are known as ‘fine particles,’ sized between 2,500 and 100 nanometers, and so-called ‘coarse particles’ are sized between 10,000 and 2,500 nanometers.

How ‘Smaller’ Can Indicate A Much Larger Problem

Nanotechnology inverts the unsophisticated logic of conventional toxicology risk assessments: namely, that the smaller the amount of something (concentration or size), the less harmful it is. We have seen how this logic has failed with petrochemical-derived chemicals like benzene, considered toxic in the parts-per-trillion range, and endocrine disrupters like bisphenol A and parabens, which exert powerful hormone-mimicking properties that sometimes increase as their concentration decrease. More recently, Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), was found to exhibit estrogenicity (and concomitant carcinogenicity) in the parts-per-trillion concentration range. There is also the case of so-called ‘low dose’ radioisotopes such as depleted uranium, whose relatively low radiolytic decay relative to gamma-ray emitting plutonium generates the illusion that it is safer (recent researchperformed by the U.S. Army’s own Radiobiological Research Institute indicates these “lower risk” radiation sources cause up to a million-fold more damage than present risk models explain due to a phenomenon known as the photoelectic effect).

In other words, less is not only more, but when it comes to particle size, smaller sizes often convey exponentially higher toxicity than larger ones.

Why Are We Not Being Protected?

So, why isn’t more being done to protect the consumer from the clear and present health threat represented by nanotechnology? Considering that the Food and Drug Administration does exactly that: administers and/or executes the interests of the food and drug manufacturers, we are supplicating to the wrong entity. The FDA is at least consistent by deciding to allow the food industry to govern itself, but what about the food industry’s liability in saturating our food supply with trillions of nanoparticles per serving, without warning the consumer?

According to Tom Philpot, writing for Grist in 2010, “As with GMOs, the strategy seems to be: release into the food supply en masse first; assess risks later (if ever).”

This strategy, while a seemingly successful short-term business model for nanotechnology stakeholders, is utter insanity when one considers the long-term fall out it will have on the industry once millions wake up to the fact they have been treated, once gain, like guinea pigs.

Moreover, as a growing body of peer-reviewed research on the dangers of nanoparticles accumulates, the millions who have already been exposed unknowingly to their ill effects have a legal right to sue for damages.  The food industry’s increasingly nefarious stance towards the very consumers who ensure their continued business defies logic, and indicates just how unethical their business model really is.

There is really only one answer to this problem. As with unlabeled GMOs, the consumer must refuse to consume them, forcing the manufactures to bow to the holy dollar and reformulate; or, better yet, the ‘consumer’ must learn how to redefine itself entirely by becoming, once again, a producer, one garden (urban, suburban or rural) at a time. By growing and eating whole foods directly from the earth, we eliminate a wide range of health hazards the mass market food industry has built into their disease-promoting business model.

Aborted human fetal cells (in everyday products) for stimulating artificial flavors

Biotech companies have been using aborted human fetal cells for testing the effectiveness of different flavoring agentin their products. Last year the news came out that a biotech company in CA called Senomyx has been using aborted human fetal cells in foods and beverages.

A pro-life watchdog group called Children of God for Life (CGL) has been calling the marketing scheme of the biotech companies deceptive and use of aborted human fetal cells unethical and immoral. Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL in an interview mentions that why the biotech doesn’t come out clean and tell the public that they are using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) taken from aborted babies to produce human taste receptors?


The HEK 293 is the code for aborted human kidney cells that are used to generate taste receptors that can stimulate a type of protein known as G protein familiar to human’s taste.

Beside Synomyx, PepsiCo also continues to use aborted human fetal cells in their drinks. Last year the shareholders of PepsiCo signed a petition that required the company to adopt ethical ways to enhance the natural flavoring of their drinks and stop using human aborted fetuses. However, the Obama administration shut down the proposal and gave their blessing to PepsiCo to continue the use of aborted babies as flavor enhancer in their drinks which means business as usual.

In an interview Debi Vinnedge, the director of CGL also mentions how the biotech has taken the whole thing into a new level by even exploiting the aborted fetuses for profit.

Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the dead human tissues are also found in flu vaccines beside other substances like aluminum, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), mercury andantibiotics.


According to Right Life of Michigan, at least eleven most common vaccines in the US have aborted human fetal cells and currently there are no requirements for labeling dead human tissue invaccines and foods.

At the same time despite the attempts by themainstream media and the big pharma to hide the truth, many independent researchers and concerned scientific community like Dr. Andrew Wakefield, have been talking about the correlation between vaccines and autism in children. As clear as it sounds, there have been no scientific studies that show correlation between autism and vaccines.

The aborted human fetuses are also used in some makeup and cosmetics including creams and lotions.

Products of companies like PepsiCo, Nestles, Kraft, Cadbury Adams LLC CandiesSenomyx, Neocutis cosmetics and even some vaccines and medications like Pulmozyme and Enbrel have aborted human fetuses in them.

There is no end to this rat race of corporate greed and prioritizing profit even at the expense of destroying the young fresh minds of the future generation by any means even if it’s aborted human fetuses.

American Moors


American Moors

American Moors
Our True Identity

You state that the Olmecs were of Mali. Doesn’t that make them Moors?
Absolutely! The Olmecs were indeed Malian Moors. The Mayans were descendants of the Malian Moors and were often referred to as “Black Mexicans” or Quetzacoatl. There are ancient Mexican wall paintings that depicts these “Negroid” kings and rulers as unmistakably African.

Black Mayans in Pre-Columbian America

These Moors were the people who built the great pyramids all over South America, Peru, Canada, Alaska, and Georgia that scattered all throughout North America along the Mississippi River and it’s tributaries are found mounds built out of tons and tons of earth. The people who built them were called the Mound Builders and they were the descendants of the Malian Moor Olmecs. These Moors eventually migrated to North America from Mexico and became known as Washitaw, Yamasee and the Ben-Isma-EL tribe. The Ben-Isma-EL tribe was…

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